The “Life Cycles of Milutin Milanković” exhibition presented in STP Niš

During the period from 17th May to 10th June, the “Life Cycles of Milutin Milanković” exhibition was presented in the Science and Technology Park Niš premises in collaboration with the Center for the Promotion of Science Belgrade, the Mathematical Institute of SASA, and the Regional Center Niš. 

Milutin Milanković is counted among the five greatest scientists of the 20th century. NASA listed him among the 15 greatest minds who studied planet Earth. The scientist who explained the theory of the forming of ice ages, a top civil engineer, the first Serbian PhD in this field, and the founder of the Department of Celestial Mechanics at the University of Belgrade, are some of the epithets that relate to this scientist. The goal of this exhibition was to motivate the youth to take up science and innovations, and in the future, create some new companies that will be STP Niš members. 

STP Niš and the National Employment Service began cooperation

The National Employment Service and the Science and Technology Park Niš signed a memorandum on cooperation which will enable support in further business not only to the University of Niš students, but also to all novices in business, teams, and individuals interested in technological entrepreneurship. There will be multiple benefits due to this cooperation, which will be reflected in future programs and education organized by STP Niš.

Celebrating Earth Day

The Science and Technology Park Niš had joined the initiative by the University of Niš Student Parliament and the Student Council of the University to celebrate Earth Day on 22nd April 2021 by means of a joint action of planting thuja saplings in the space between the Student Center and STP Niš. The goal of this action was raising awareness of the significance of caring for ecology and protecting the environment; symbolically, 14 saplings were planted on behalf of 14 faculties within the University of Niš.

Continuing forward, STP Niš will continue its endeavors in providing support to student initiatives and creativa ideas through expert, infrastructural, and mentorship services, as well as any other form of assistance and partnership that would be significant for the realization of their projects. Also, STP Niš will respond to any action whose main goal is helping the community and take active participation in it.

Skolkovo Innovation Center visits STP Niš

The Science and Technology Park Niš was visited by the delegation from the Skolkovo Innovation Center from Moscow. The Skolkovo Technopark is the largest technopark in Europe which numbers over 2500 startups, 130 partners, 1500 patents… Their management and representatives of leading innovative companies in different fields of science and economy met with STP Niš representatives and our members.

Through this cooperation, we have connected with colleagues and partners from Russia working in the same or similar fields, so the initial step was made towards future cooperation. This visit was realized in cooperation with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia’s office and the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia visits the Science and Technology Park

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Ana Brnabić visited Niš, together with the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Education, Science, and Technology Branko Ružić, the Mayor of Niš Dragana Sotirovski, and the chief of the Regional Office of the Europe Investment Bank for the Western Balkans Dubravka Negre. The visitors talked with Park members about their projects and plans for the future. The Prime Minister recognized the potential of the City of Niš and emphasized the significance of the members as initiators of key changes in the region and their contribution in turning the City of Niš into a city of advanced technologies. This occasion also saw the opening of the structural unit at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of the University of Niš.