With Representatives of the Local Self-government on the Goals of the Be Ready Project

As a partner in the project “Urban heat islands resilience, preparedness and mitigation strategy – Be Ready”, financed by the Interreg Danube Program project, the Science and Technology Park Niš organized a working session with representatives of the local self-government on May 9, 2024 in order to collect relevant information that can be useful for the development of methodology and tools for risk assessment related to urban heat islands and the strategy of preparedness and resistance to climate change. The meeting was attended by representatives of the City of Niš, the Local Economic Development Office, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš, and the Faculty of Occupational Safety in Niš, who contributed fully to the analysis of the current state of equipment and materials and their potential impact on the formation of urban heat islands.
The project brings together 19 partners and 9 ASPs from 12 different countries, and the primary goal of the project is to improve the capacity of local and regional authorities and the civil sector in planning, mitigation, and management of climate change and natural disasters with a focus on urban heat islands.

STP Niš as an Important Point on the Digital Silk Road – Signed Cooperation with the Chinese Hangzhou High-Tech Zone

The Belt and Road Initiative is a development strategy proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013. It is focused on trade and development linking China with the rest of Eurasia. A big part of that strategy is the Digital Silk Road, and an important stop on that road is Serbia. This new Silk Road is a way to technologically network China with other participating countries and Western actors in the global technological ecosystem.

Representatives of the Hangzhon delegation visited Niš to sign a cooperation agreement with the Science and Technology Park on April 15, 2024. This way, the cooperation between Serbia and China is strengthened through two cities with a high potential for technological development. During the visit, the delegation toured STP Niš. They got acquainted with the capacities of the park and heard about its mission and vision as well as plans for further business.

STP Niš and the Hangzhou High-Tech Zone signed the agreement to strengthen mutual connection, communication, and exchange for the sake of mutual progress. Using geopolitical and industrial advantages, they will cooperate in order to improve the digital economy, namely working on concepts such as e-commerce, smart city, modern logistics, and payment with smart mobile devices.
We are pleased to have hosted the Hangzhou delegation and look forward to cooperation. We believe that this is another important step on the path through the digital ecosystem.


The 8th Forum of Advanced Technologies in June at STP Niš

On Wednesday, April 24, at a media conference, the 8th Forum of Advanced Technologies (FNT) was officially announced, scheduled this year for June 12 and 13 in the Science and Technology Park Niš.

At the conference, the topics, participants, panelists, and ways to transform FNT, which has been profiled as an important regional and international platform for years, were announced. The press and other guests were addressed by the director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia – RPK Niš, Aleksandar Milićević, the director of STP Niš, Milan Ranđelović, PhD, the representative of the City of Niš, Prof. Vladislav Marjanović, PhD, as well as institutional friends of the Forum who have traditionally supported the organization of this event for years.

The topics of this year’s FNT will be directed towards the most topical innovative news in the field of artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, 5G networks, development of innovation ecosystems, Web 3 and blockchain technologies. Dedicated to the creative industries, the Forum brings together experts and leading companies from around the world with the aim of deepening the discussion on new trends and challenges in the field of advanced technologies, which not only enables the connection between educational and research institutions, startups, and innovative companies, but also attracts a wide range of participants, including investors, technology enthusiasts, regulatory bodies, NGOs, and industry professionals.

The organizers of this year’s Forum of Advanced Technologies are the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia – RPK Niš, the Science and Technology Park Niš, and the City of Niš, with the support of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation.



Halfway Done – Program for Establishing Operations of Regional Innovation Startup Centers and Incubators

For the past month and a half, we have been cooperating with regional centers and incubators in order to help them with their business and successfully introduce them to it. The program is to be in two parts, and the end of the first part will conclude with a study trip where they will have the opportunity to gain insight into the work of similar organizations.

As we come to the end of the first part, we would like to do a short recap of the modules that our participants went through. Through the peer-to-peer learning methodology, participants had the opportunity to actively acquire knowledge through lectures, as well as interactive workshops and case studies. Six one-day modules encompass the provision of a complete and dynamic educational process for all participants.

The first module was reserved for introducing teams to the innovation ecosystem. This module helped them to understand their roles and functions specifically, as well as centers and incubators in general, while seeing opportunities for proactivity and innovation. They were introduced to key actors, available resources, and support organizations.

The topic of the second module was the evaluation and selection of users of RISCs and innovation incubators. Thus, incubators and startup centers were trained and equipped to set specific and relevant criteria and analyze the fulfillment of the set parameters. It was presented to them that in the application process emphasis should be placed on the selection of ideas with high potential and on the transparency of the application process.

The focus of the third module was on financial and legal aspects of business. Although they do not form the core of the business, they represent the necessary infrastructure for its functioning. Here, colleagues from startups and incubators were able to get acquainted with the methodology of creating rules, procedures, and responsibilities while aligning it with legal frameworks and best practices. This includes both technical and physical structures.

The second part of the module, reserved for finance, had monetary resources and budgeting as its topic. The importance of aligning finance with goals was discussed as well as different ways of financing to support development and operational goals.

As for the fourth module, it served two closely related concepts. It is about communication on one hand and event organization on the other. Our female colleagues from these fields were here to share their theoretical knowledge with the participants of the program. In addition, their presentations were rich with an abundance of examples from practice and contained exercises that helped in the implementation of newly acquired knowledge.
The teams heard about communication techniques, the importance of internal and external communication, as well as ways to determine target groups and convey certain messages to them.
They had the opportunity to learn about different aspects of organizing events. They talked about promotion, logistics, and, of course, items from the general to-do list that make up indispensable elements of such an undertaking.

The fifth module will introduce participants to strategic planning and sustainability. Special attention will be devoted to the identification and segmentation of target groups, while the second part will focus on the design of the business model, the list of key services, key business indicators, and development strategy. We are excitedly waiting for the next interactive lecture from our colleagues!

The end of the first part of this program will be marked by a study visit to organizations of a similar type. With that, they will directly encounter relevant experiences through interaction with them. They will see how what they learned about during the previous modules looks like in practice. We expect this study tour to mean a lot to the teams. We think it is an ideal way to round off the cycle of modules from the first part!



STP Niš one of the Partners at the International Be Ready Project

During the period from February 29 to March 1, the Science and Technology Park Niš participated in the Kick off event on the topic of launching a strategy of resilience, preparedness, and mitigating the impact on urban heat islands. This event also marked the official start of the implementation of the project “Strategy of resistance, readiness, and mitigating the impact on urban heat islands – Be Ready”, financed by the Interreg Danube Program.

The Be Ready project brings together 19 partners, 9 ASP from 12 different countries and has a budget of 2,396,337 euros. A significant part of the financing – 1,917,070 euros to be exact – was provided by the European Union. The main goal of the project is to improve the capacity of local and regional governments, as well as the civil sector, in planning, mitigating, and managing the problems of climate change and natural disasters, with a special focus on urban heat islands. Through this project, the basis for future territorial development, investments, and international policies in the field of climate adaptation is created, especially within the framework of EU strategies for the Danube region.
The project brings a number of concrete results, including the development and implementation of methodologies and tools for risk assessment related to urban heat islands, co-designed solutions, and strategies for preparedness and resilience to climate change. Additionally, action plans and strategies were developed for project participants, as well as recommendations for policies and campaigns for raising awareness in the 12 participating countries.

Through its participation in this conference and within the project, the Science and Technology Park Niš confirms its commitment to the improvement of knowledge and practice in the field of sustainable development and climate adaptation, thus contributing not only to the local community, but also to the wider regional and international scene.