Six companies from Niš, five of which are STP Niš member companies, are recipients of the StarTech grant for 2022!
The designated fund of 1,000,000 USD will be directed towards supporting startups with innovative ideas, the development of concepts and prototypes, implementation and commercialization of innovative products and services.
Who are the StarTech stars from the STP Niš community?
Nais Robotics – the innovative solution “Koško” which combines physical activity – basketball training, with an app that encourages competition among a wider group of players (
Just Start – works on developing the City&Ме app which enables the communication between the city and the citizens, encourages activism and actions by citizens in the fields of recycling, bicycling, cleaning up spaces…
Core – nZEBrick – an innovative technical solution embodied in a heterogeneous asymmetric clay block for buildings of near-zero energy consumption.
Syncit Group – Athena AI – BI business platform that increases the efficiency of eCommerce stores
COMING-Computer Engineering will be working on improving the universal agriculture autonomous robot – AgAR.
These companies will continue to actively develop their innovative products thanks to the funding provided by the company Philip Morris.
The StarTech program for supporting the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises is a part of a three-year project for promoting innovations and technology development in Serbia conducted by NALED and financed by the company Philip Morris. The goal of the project is to accelerate the growth of Serbian companies, the transformation of the traditional economy into digital, and to provide support by means of funds and expertise, by working on improving conditions for encouraging innovations, and by promoting domestic innovative businesses.