Regional Innovation Startup Centers’ Capacity Building Program in Cooperation with Science and Technology Parks

Project lead institution: Science and Technology Park Niš

Project partners: Innovation Center Zubin Potok, Regional Innovation Start-up Center Paraćin, the Municipality of Sokobanja, Center for the Development of Jablanica and Pčinj Districts, Zip Center for Youth – Business Incubator, Business Incubator Kruševac, the City of Novi Pazar, Business Incubator Center Bor, the City of Vranje

Project budget: 44.990.000,00 dinars

Financier: Innovation Fund

Project goal: The goal of the Program is to establish the operation and raise the capacity of regional innovation startup centers, including startup centers, incubators, Smart City centers, and similar support organizations. The program develops the competences of startup centers for providing support in a consistent and organized manner, as well as for inclusion in an integrated system of support for innovation, with the aim of achieving self-sustainability for further work and functioning. The program achieves the integration of regional innovation startup centers with science and technology parks, with the aim of developing an innovative community at the local level, and with the function of systemic development of innovation as well as improvement of the innovation ecosystem on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

Project activities: The plan of project activities should contain activities that will increase the capacity of regional innovation startup centers to perform the following tasks:

  • Promotion of the regional innovation startup center in their local community in order to attract entrepreneurial (startup) teams and individuals who have an innovative idea.
  • Development of entrepreneurial spirit among the youth by organizing various events
  • Education and assistance to teams and individuals in business development and commercialization of innovative ideas, through familiarization with different business models, defining and researching the market, determining target users, sales and marketing plans, and growth and development strategies
  • Assistance in generating, evaluating, validating, and testing ideas
  • Networking through the organization and participation in events and meetings (meetups) with other subjects of the innovation ecosystem
  • Provision of work space with the necessary internet connection where there is computer equipment, a room for meetings and presentations, offices, as well as other supporting equipment
  • Mentorship by providing experienced experts in the fields of technology, innovation, and business who can provide answers to questions important for the development of a new innovative company (startup).
  • Assistance in providing financial support for business development, through education about models and concrete sources of financing, as well as assistance for writing an application for obtaining funds
  • Consulting in the fields of legal, financial, and administrative affairs, as well as issues of intellectual property protection
  • Preparing teams for presenting a business idea to investors (Pitch Preparation)
  • Assistance in prototype development and testing

Innovation Incubator of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš

Project name: Program for the formation and development of innovation incubators in scientific research organizations (Naučno-istraživačke organizacije – NIO) in the Republic of Serbia

Project lead institution: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš

Project partners: Science and Technology Park Niš, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety in Niš

Project budget: 4.000.000,00 dinars

Financier: Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation

Project goal: The main goal is to establish and increase the capacity of the innovation incubator within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš, with a special focus on supporting the development of startup teams and the commercialization of their innovative ideas. The project aims to encourage multidisciplinary cooperation and networking between members of academia, startup teams, and industry, with the aim of improving the innovation ecosystem in the region.

Project activities STP Niš is in charge of:

  • Development of the Program for the establishment and operation of the innovation incubator,
  • Development of the Program for work with students and researchers,
  • Implementation and monitoring of the implementation of the Program for the establishment and operation of the innovation incubator.

Innovation Incubator of the Faculty of Technology in Leskovac

Project name: Program for the formation and development of innovation incubators in scientific research organizations (Naučno-istraživačke organizacije – NIO) in the Republic of Serbia

Project lead institution: Faculty of Technology in Leskovac

Project partner: Science and Technology Park Niš

Financier: Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation

Project goal: The main goal is to establish and increase the capacity of the innovation incubator within the Faculty of Technology in Leskovac, with a special focus on supporting the development of startup teams and the commercialization of their innovative ideas. The project aims to encourage multidisciplinary cooperation and networking between members of academia, startup teams, and industry, with the aim of improving the innovation ecosystem in the region.

Project activities STP Niš is in charge of:

  • Development of the Program for the establishment and operation of the innovation incubator,
  • Development of the Program for work with students and researchers,
  • Implementation and monitoring of the implementation of the Program for the establishment and operation of the innovation incubator.

Launcher Accelerator Program (An innovation promotion and popularization program)

Project lead institution: Science and Technology Park Niš

Project partners: Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Fazi d.o.o.

Project budget: 12.615.000,00

Financier: Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Fazi d.o.o.

Project goal: The goal of the project is to strengthen the capacity of newly founded companies (startups) via the the Launcher acceleration program through training and support from experts in the respective fields. Launcher implies a three-month program of intensive mentoring and financial support for the realization of innovative growth-oriented startup ideas in the early stages of development.

Project activities: Through 12 educational modules, mentoring, and providing financial support, the Launcher program enables startups to develop their innovative ideas, build sustainable business models, and acquire key knowledge necessary for success and growth in the market. The project activities take place in two phases:

Phase 1 – Lectures and Startup Challenge: The first phase includes lectures and a startup challenge in the form of a pitch in the Niš Science and Technology Park. During these events, participants had the opportunity to attend workshops and compete with their innovative ideas. Based on the achieved performances, the teams that will participate in the next phase of the Program were selected. The lectures in this phase include work on the following topics:

Module I – Innovation Ecosystem

Module II – Teamwork and idea

Module III – Lean Startup 101 and Lean Canvas Business Model

Module IV – Funding – Information on available funding mechanisms and programs

Module V – How to Pitch

Phase 2 – Intensive workshops and mentoring: Teams that successfully pass the first phase get the opportunity to participate in intensive workshops and receive mentoring support from experts in the relevant fields. During this phase, teams have the opportunity to further develop their ideas with the support of experts, acquire new knowledge and skills, and improve their business strategies. The planned program of activities takes place within 12 modules, namely:

  1. Introduction to the startup world
  2. Introduction to Lean / Lean methodology
  3. Prioritization and testing of target segments
  4. Model validation – Customer/problem fit
  5. Competitive research and positioning strategy
  6. Problem/solution fit
  7. Marketing
  8. Sales tech
  9. Pitch deck
  10. Legal regulation and intellectual property protection
  11. Funding and Programs + Trial Pitch
  12. Demo Day

This phase culminates in the Demo Day, where teams have the opportunity to present their ideas to a committee. The committee decides on financial support for the most promising teams on the basis of the quality of the presentations and the progress they made during the program, giving them an incentive for further growth and success in their business ventures.

Technopark Serbia 2 – Boosting Exports through Technoparks

The Science and Technology Park Niš is a part of the “Technopark Serbia 2 – Boosting Exports through Technoparks” project, through which the Government of Switzerland supports further development of innovations and technological entrepreneurship in Serbia.

The project’s goal is to empower science and technology parks to recognize specificities of innovation development in their regions and develop technology parks suited for their environment in order to encourage the founding of new startup companies.

By developing and strengthening the regional network of science and technology parks through this Project, with the support of the Government of Switzerland, support is given to the founding and development of new startups so they can compete with companies from the most developed parts of the world with their services and products while working from Serbia. At the same time, founding new startup companies increases the strength of the startup ecosystem and raises its visibility on the international scene.