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The first STP Niš Roadshow is done

The NTP Niš Roadshow adventure we started last week, wishing to present our activities and results achieved during the first year of operations, has come to an end. We visited Zaječar, Vranje, Pirot, and Kruševac, and talked with you about innovations, your ideas, and the current Raising Starts program. We enjoyed socializing with young creative […]

The “Advanced Technologies in the Service of Ecology” Hackathon held at STP Niš

During the weekend, ten exceptional teams worked dilligently for 24 hours on developing the idea of using advanced technologies for prototyping new options for a better life for the citizens, by inventing solutions for the urban pocket. The presentation of all teams’ solutions showed that the mostly young hackathon participants are motivated, armed with knowledge […]

The STP Niš Director participated in a panel discussion at Expo 2020 Dubai

The results of STP Niš’s work, which is home to almost 50 innovative high tech companies where over 500 young and highly educated people work, caused the STP Niš Director, dr Milan Ranđelović, to present STP Niš, its results and the manner of cooperation wit all players at the regional and national levels, and the […]

STP Niš participated at the Forward 2021 conference

Today, at the Forward 2021 conference held in Banja Luka, we talked about STP Niš experiences during the process of preparing and establishing the science and technology park itself, where the focus was on identifying the needs and key resources in the community. One of the key segments is also the work on improving the […]

STP Niš and JP “Pošta Srbije” started cooperation

“What benefits does the digitalization of Post of Serbia services bring to citizens, where is the development of innovative access and services in their business at, and how can STP Niš startup companies hep with that”, was the topic of the discussion with the acting director of JP “Pošta Srbije” Zoran Đorđević. During the tour […]

Examples of good practice and Nordic experiences in a circular economy

Nordic countries have long-lasting experience with innovative solutions and investments at the local level for developing smart cities where challenges turn into opportunities – waste becomes a resource, and water, waste, and energy are solved through an integrated manner. The third “Circular economy – Nordic experiences” workshop conducted by the embassies of Denmark, Finland, Norway, […]

The second session of the Club of cities and municipalities with the favorable business environment held in STP Niš

This week has passed as a week for environmental protection – how to use waste as a resource through the recycling process, how to solve the problem of wastewater, and how to develop innovations in this field. The second session of the Club of cities and municipalities with the favorable business environment, organized by NALED […]

Serbian Business Registers Agency opened in STP Niš

On 2nd August 2021, the office of the Serbian Business Registers Agency in Niš was opened within the Science and Technology Park Niš, on the gallery floor near the main entrance. STP Niš and SBRA signed the Agreement on Cooperation which, going forward, will enable members of STP Niš, as well as entrepreneurs and businesspeople […]

Delegation of South Sinai and the Embassy of Egypt visits STP Niš

We hosted the delegation of South Sinai and the Embassy of Egypt in the Science and Technology Park Niš, as well as the Mayor of Niš Dragana Sotirovski with her associates. During the tour of the park, we presented our member companies and their results so far, as well as the manner STP Niš operates […]

Serbia – the land of talented highly educated professionals

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Ana Brnabić visited the Science and Technology Park Niš with her team, joined by the assistant to the Minister of Education, Science, and Technology, Dr Saša Lazović. At that time, a meeting was held with the director and team of STP Niš, the Mayor of the City […]
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