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Celebrating Earth Day

The Science and Technology Park Niš had joined the initiative by the University of Niš Student Parliament and the Student Council of the University to celebrate Earth Day on 22nd April 2021 by means of a joint action of planting thuja saplings in the space between the Student Center and STP Niš. The goal of this action was raising awareness of the significance of caring for ecology and protecting the environment; symbolically, 14 saplings were planted on behalf of 14 faculties within the University of Niš.

Continuing forward, STP Niš will continue its endeavors in providing support to student initiatives and creativa ideas through expert, infrastructural, and mentorship services, as well as any other form of assistance and partnership that would be significant for the realization of their projects. Also, STP Niš will respond to any action whose main goal is helping the community and take active participation in it.
