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The City of Niš presented as an Example of Good Practice at the Моbility 2022 – Smart Spaces for Living Business Conference
Yesterday, within the Mobility 2022 business conference held in Ljubljana, we had the opportunity to present the City of Niš as an example of good practice as a city developing rapidly in the field of applying innovations and high technologies.
At the “Joint Creation of Future Cities” round table, we looked back on how we grew from a city of electronics into a city of advanced technologies, which solutions and methods we turned to, and what our focuses were on that path of rebranding the southeastern Serbia region.\
The Mobility 2022 – Smart Spaces for Living conference put the discussion emphasis on the main points of living and working in a smart living environment through examples of cities in the Western Balkan region, considering possible solutions for the individual and the community as well as corporate business regarding smart spaces of the future.
Photo: Jure Eržen/Delo
June 9 2022

Konferenca Mobilnost 2022, Pametni prostori za življenje. Ljubljana, Slovenija 15.junija 2022. [poslovneži,omizja,ekonomija,Mobilnost 2022,konference,sestanki,dogodki,Ljubljana,Slovenija,motivi]
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Konferenca Mobilnost 2022, Pametni prostori za življenje. Ljubljana, Slovenija 15.junija 2022. [poslovneži,omizja,ekonomija,Mobilnost 2022,konference,sestanki,dogodki,Ljubljana,Slovenija]
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