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IT Logo Exhibit as Part of Former Yugoslavia’s Cultural Heritage

DataArt, a software engineering company, the Serbian IT Association (SITA), and YugoLogo, in cooperation with the Science and Technology Park Niš, have joined forces and organized a creative exhibition of logos of companies and institutes that operated in the IT sector in the second half of the 20th century in former Yugoslavia. “In the early […]

STP Niš at the Serbia – Italy Business Forum

The Serbia – Italy Business Forum was held at the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade, bringing together around 500 businesspeople from 250 Serbian and 200 Italian companies. The forum was organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia with the support of the Embassy of Italy and the Italian Trade Agency, with the […]

New Projects for Innovation Development in Kosovo and Metohija

The Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation continues to improve the innovation ecosystem in Serbia through cooperation with the Science and Technology Park Niš (STP Niš), with the aim of strengthening the capacity of Regional Innovation Startup Centers (RISC) and encouraging technological entrepreneurship, especially in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. As part […]

Chinese-Serbian Cooperation in the Field of Innovations and Technology Transfer gains new Momentum

The three-day visit of the economic and scientific delegation from the Chinese city of Chongqing marked the beginning of more intensive cooperation between Serbia and China in the field of science, technology, and innovation. The organization of the visit, initiated by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation and the Science and Technology Park […]

STP Niš in Trieste at the Second Italy-Serbia Science Forum

The second Italy-Serbia Science Forum, held at the AREA Science Park in Trieste, represented a significant step in connecting science, innovation, and industry between the two countries. For the Science and Technology Park Niš, this was an extraordinary opportunity to present itself as one of the actors in the development of the innovation ecosystem in […]

Serbia and China join forces for innovation and development

From November 21 to November 25, 2024, the Chongqing International Talent Exchange Conference was held in the Chinese city of Chongqing, which brought together over 10,000 participants from all over the world. A delegation of the Republic of Serbia, led by Prof. Miroslav Trajanović, PhD, State Secretary of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and […]

Global Entrepreneurship Week at STP Niš: Focus on Exports to the Far East

Global Entrepreneurship Week at STP Niš: Focus on Exports to the Far East Global Entrepreneurship Week, which is already underway and will last until Wednesday, November 20, at the Science and Technology Park Niš, brings opportunities for the development and growth of domestic innovative companies and startups. This event is organized by the Science and […]

After Podgorica, the “Local Methodology Workshop” also Held in Niš

The City of Niš organized a workshop called “Local Methodological Workshop – Urban Heat Islands” as part of the “Be Ready: Urban Heat Islands Resilience, Preparedness and Mitigation Strategies” project. This workshop is the first in a series of activities within the “Be Ready” project, which focuses on assessing the risk of urban heat islands, […]

Be Ready: Local Methodological Workshop on the Emergence of Urban Heat Islands

The Science and Technology Park Niš participated in a workshop dedicated to urban heat islands and the methodology for assessing vulnerability and risks caused by this phenomenon, organized as part of the EU project Be Ready (UrBan hEat islands REsilience, prepAreDness and mitigation strategY). At the event, STP Niš was represented by Milan Krstev, an […]

SEEIC Innovation Forum: a Platform for Cooperation and Supporting Innovations in the Southeast Europe Region

The South East European Innovators Challenge (SEEIC) is the first regional forum dedicated to innovation and startup communities in Southeast Europe. Held in Sofia Tech Park, this event brought together representatives of technology parks and innovation zones from Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, and Turkey, as well as representatives of academia, business, international investors, and government […]
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